Preparing Today's Learners for Tomorrow's Challenges
In This Section
Business & Community Partnerships
The Park Rapids School District realizes that strong partnerships between the school and local businesses are imperative for the success of its students, as well as for the betterment of the Park Rapids community as a whole. As a school district, we take pride in being a part of the community! Each year, hundreds of people volunteer in Park Rapids Area Schools. Many of our students job-shadow, volunteer, and learn from the experts in our area. We want to increase the partnerships we are building with businesses in our community - and our goal is to create partnerships that are mutually beneficial.
We Hope You'll Join Us In This Effort!
To coordinate this effort, the 4C (Community Career Collaboration Coordinator) position was created in concert with local businesses. If you are a business owner, career professional, community leader, volunteer, parent or student who would like to learn more about this program and connect with others, please feel free to contact Kerry Johnson.
Panthers First: Coffee, Cookies, & Career Conversations
High School Students and Over 50-60 Community Members from all 6 Career Fields at these events! These sessions are an hour long and we chat casually at round tables about careers and life over coffee and cookies. It's fun for everyone and a great way to make connections within your career fields!
Panthers First: Coffee, Cookies, & Career Conversations - January TBA, 2024 - Seniors & Juniors (Extended Time)
Panthers First: Coffee, Cookies, & Career Conversations - February TBA, 2024 - Juniors & Sophomores (Seniors Optional)
Panthers First: Coffee, Cookies, & Career Conversations - March TBA, 2024 - Sophomores & Freshmen (Juniors Optional)
Partnership Opportunities:
As a business owner, career professional, community leader, volunteer, parent or student, there are many ways you can get involved with our school district and Panther Tracks program, in high school, working or retire. Guest instructors provide their expertise on topics alined to the high school curriculum. Teachers use an approach to learning that enables students to master academic core content as well as provide hands-on learning opportunities to prepare students for real-world challenges. Students can go on job shadows or partake in a local apprenticeship to explore careers and gain work experience.
Project Sponsor: A provided 8-10 week project with real deliverables for students to solve problems related to your organization.
Career Speaker: A career professional who visits our school to speak with/to students about their career and/or business.
Guest Instructor: A career professional who works with a teacher to plan and deliver a lesson or provide opportunities for students to earn career certificates.
Field Trips/Site Visits: Students accompanied by staff to a local business or organization.
Job Shadowing: A student spends a few hours or a few days accompanying an employee or multiple employees in the performance of their daily duties.
Job/Work Sampling: Volunteer work by a student that allows the student to spend meaningful time in a work environment to learn basic work readiness skills along with the "soft skills" required for success in the workplace. Short-term, unpaid, supervised by District Staff.
Internships/Apprenticeships: Formal agreements where students are assigned specific tasks in a workplace over a predetermined period of time. Paid or unpaid. Tasks mutually agreed upon by company and student.
Paid Employment: Student is hired as a paid employee. Informal support from District Business Internship Program Teacher as needed.
Mentorship: Group mentoring is a mentor who works with a group of mentee. E-Mentoring is a mentor who mentors a student through email or virtually. Professional Mentoring is a mentor who works one-on-one with a student with regard to their field of interest and develops a career relationship. Project Mentor is a mentor who works with a group of students to assist with a project.
Want to learn more about this program? Contact the 4C for more information or to apply!
Park Rapids & Panther Pride!
Are You Hiring?
If you are a business owner or hiring manager and you want to advertise your employment opportunities for our students, please reach out to the 4C so we can post it on our NEW Job Posting Platform called "Panther Jobs"! We will also post flyers on the 4C Bulletin board at school as well as include the posting in our monthly email shout-out to students who are looking for work.
Disclaimer: Park Rapids Area Schools will not advertise or post any jobs/opportunities relating to Personal Care that are not held through a business or organization. Park Rapids Area Schools will not supervise and does not sponsor any jobs/opportunities posted through the Panther Jobs site. Park Rapids Area Schools will not hold any liability and will not take any responsibility for jobs/opportunities posted through the Panther Jobs site. Park Rapids Area Schools is not responsible for any hiring, non-hiring, firing, and application processes for any jobs/opportunities posted through the Panther Jobs site.
Thank You Park Rapids Area Businesses & Community Members For All Of Your Support!
Our Programs And Activities Would Not Be Possible Without You!
We Truly Appreciate Everything You Do To Promote Park Rapids & Panther Pride Community Wide!
Background Check:
Anyone who meets or works with our students has to complete a background check prior to volunteering. Please contact our district human resources department or 4C to get started.