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Panther Tracks Academies is for All Students

Whether you are going to college or directly into the workforce, Panther Tracks is for you! Panther Tracks is tailored to our students, building pathways for success right here in our community.

What should I do after high school? | Roadtrip Nation

How to Earn a Panther Tracks Medal & Certificate

Students enrolled in Panther Tracks select one or multiple tracks. Each track is divided into career pathway options.


  • Complete 5 credits or at least 3 classes, whichever is greater, worth of academic classes from the list within their selected Track pathway.
  • Complete 1 "Preparing for Life After High School" Class Option
  • Complete 1 "Real World Experience" Activity Option

Students who complete one or more tracks will receive a medal and completion of track certificate to be recognized their senior year and to wear on graduation day.

Step 1: After taking your Brain Games through YouScience, select a Track from the available 6 Career Field Options and a Career Cluster of Interest within the Track.
Step 2: Complete the necessary Panther Tracks Google Forms for the Career Advisor. For track and class selection questions, meet with your specific Track Advisor. 
Step 3: Job Shadow a Career within the Track (Real-World Experience Activity).
Step 4: Complete the Track Classes (5 Credits worth or at least 3 Classes, whichever is greater).
Step 5: Select a Life Class to Complete (Preparing for Life After High School).
Step 6: Complete the necessary Panther Tracks Google Forms for the Career Advisor.

Completing Panther Tracks - The Final Step

Panther Tracks Completion Notification Google Form
I am notifying you that I have completed my Panther Tracks requirements in full. 

For All 8th-12th Grade PRAS Students




YouScience at Park Rapids Area Schools:
Welcome to YouScience - an all-new tool to discover your future career, all by using your mind's aptitudes! Through YouScience, your students will uncover knowledge of their minds' aptitudes, industry-recognized certifications using Precision Exams, unlock their superpowers (radioactive spider not included), a whole new world of education options and best-fit in-demand careers to better succeed in school and life. YouScience is tailored to the unique needs of each grade level (8-12) to help students learn about themselves, build an education plan, and prepare for options after high school. Each student will receive a hyper-personalized portfolio at the end of their assessment, including possible career and educational pathways, as well as the resources they will need to get there.

PRAS Students Login Link

Want to Learn More?

Making a Panther Tracks High School Grad Plan

If you want to prepare for your high school experience and create a plan for you to complete your Panther Track pathways.


Goal Setting

Goal setting is a great skill to have and it keeps you on track with what you want to accomplish while in school. It also helps you build a plan for the future.